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  • Charlsie McDaniel

Pumpkin Counting Clip Cards & Ten Frames

Have I mentioned I love fall? Well, I do.

So, of course, I have several activities dedicated to fall. And today I am going to talk about one of those activities...well, technically two.

Pumpkin themed ten frames and counting clip cards

Ten Frames are one of the best place value/counting activities you can do in the early years. Unfortunately, some people wait to start these until Kindergarten or even 1st grade.

However, this is an activity that can be used from preschool up. It's so simple, too.

I give each student a ten frame mat. They draw a pumpkin number card. Then, they represent the number they draw on the ten frame.

Pumpkin themed ten frame mats with manipulatives

I think it would be really cute to use the candy pumpkins to fill in the frames, but I forgot to buy some...In this picture, we used fish marbles (Dollar Tree).

The big results of this activity come through dialogue. Sure, students are still getting practice at number recognition and counting if you use this as an independent center. However, if you use this as a small group, you can discuss groups of ten. Make sure the students understand that a full frame counts as 10. Talk about how many groups of tens you have, and how many ones. Be sure to have students count the number from the tens frames, too. (Example: 25- 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25)

To get the most bang from any activity, it really come down to the dialogue.

Also, included with this activity is counting clip cards. This activity is really good for younger students. It helps with number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, and fine motor skills.

Pumpkin themed counting clip cards using paper clips

Typically, the students would place clothespins on the number represented on the card. However, I couldn't find my clothespins this day. So, like any self-respecting teacher, I improvised with what I had on hand, i.e. paper clips. Maybe it's not quite as eye catching, but it definitely works.

My kids loved these activities. I work individually with my students, and they could not wait for their turn.

To get a copy for your kiddo, click this link.

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